tagged-inceleme gözden geçirmek

Grownups were recently adult some one and people who hit intimate maturity on an early on day

Grownups were recently adult some one and people who hit intimate maturity on an early on day

Males (M) and feguys (F) flow through stages from birth (b) through development into juveniles (or subadults) for up to j time steps, maturation (m), and adulthood. Adults are classified as breeders (br), nonbreeders (nbr) that are capable of breeding but at publicityesent are not reproductively active, and post-reproductive individuals (pr) that are senescent. Transitions between stages are shown with white arrows and within stages with black arrows. The number of ladies and males, respectively, are depicted at birth (Fb and Mb), one (Fb+step one and Mb+step 1) and j time steps later (Fb+j and Mb+j), at maturation (Fm and Mm), breeding (Fbr and Mbr), non-breeding (Fnbr and Mnbr) and post-reproduction (Fpr and Mpr).Read More